I-Lead program Cohort-1

The program aims to empower passionate young people between the ages of 18-27 years with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to become effective leaders in promoting integrity, combating corruption, and fostering social justice and sustainable development in the communities. Read more about the program here.

I-lead program Facilitators

To learn more about Gérard’s igniting flame of integrity and inclusivity, please click here.
Click here to read more about Billy’s achievements and passion for continuous learning and commitment to excellence

Meet Karen Kyalo, a trailblazer in Public Relations. Click here to read more.

I-Lead Program Fellows

After an exhilarating journey of assessments and thoughtful deliberations, we are thrilled to unveil the exceptional individuals who will be part of the inaugural cohort of our I-Lead program. These remarkable fellows embody the spirit of passion, dedication, and a burning desire to make a positive impact in their communities. Their commitment to community development work, coupled with their thirst for knowledge, skills, and networking opportunities, left us in awe. Each I-Lead fellow brings a unique perspective and a wealth of experiences that will enrich the program and create a vibrant community of changemakers. They are the trailblazers, the dreamers, and the doers who are ready to ignite change and shape a better future for all.

Throughout the rigorous selection process, we felt their determination, and their belief in the power of integrity making. Their passion is contagious, and we are confident that their collective energy will propel the I-Lead program to new heights. As we embark on this transformative journey together,  we will inspire, empower, and create a ripple effect of positive change that will resonate far beyond the boundaries of our program. Help us applaud these fellows! Their journey has just begun, and we cannot wait to witness the incredible impact they will make. Welcome, I-Lead fellows of Cohort 1! Let us light up the world with our passion, integrity, and dedication to creating a brighter tomorrow. The stage is set, and the time for change is now!

I-Lead Program Cohort-1 : Launch Event

The inaugural launch of Cohort-1 of the I-Lead program occurred on Friday, October 6th, 2023. Distinguished speakers, including Mr. John OLLA, the Executive Director of ActHub For Sustainable Development Foundation, Mrs. Arinola BELLO, Program Coordinator at Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group, and Mr. Darlington MAFA, the Executive Director of Rima Africa, graced the event with their presence. Their impactful speeches served as a source of inspiration and motivation for all participants. Additionally, our dedicated team of volunteer I-Lead program facilitators, fellows, YIB followers, and other community members were present at the launch. The event marked the official commencement of the program and emphasized the need for action. Find the session’s recording here.

I-Lead Program Cohort-1 Graduation Extravaganza!

A successful Cohort-1 pitching session set the stage for an unforgettable graduation ceremony, held virtually on Friday, 29 March 2024. The dedication, passion, and resilience of the fellows were truly exceptional, exceeding all expectations. Their journey through the leadership program has been filled with promise and potential, showcasing a generation of #LeadersInAction with innovative ideas poised to make a positive impact in our community. The pitching session was a unique opportunity for participants to #connect with like-minded individuals and #support these inspiring fellows, leaving us in awe of the sheer brilliance displayed by our #I-Lead fellows.

The excitement continued on Friday, 3 May 2024, as the successful fellows gathered for a vibrant physical graduation ceremony at our office, aptly named “Rising Stars Shine Bright: I-Lead Program Cohort-1 Graduation Extravaganza!” Amidst the lively atmosphere, we joyously celebrated the accomplishments of the Cohort-1 fellows. Their journey was a testament to unwavering passion, relentless determination, and unyielding resilience throughout the program, culminating in a day filled with inspiration and pride. Certificates of completion were proudly awarded to all graduates, with a special seed grant of Kshs. 50,000 presented to Mr. David Ziro Kahindi for his outstanding project idea, set to create a ripple effect in the community.

We were deeply impressed by the determination and commitment of the fellows to continue their impactful work for the betterment of the community. Their readiness to engage in various roles within our programs, including mentorship, ambassadorship, and coordination, speaks volumes about their dedication to leadership excellence. We are immensely proud of them and eagerly anticipate the unfolding of their journey as integrity leaders, poised to make an even greater impact. Congratulations to all! #LeadershipLegacy #CelebratingExcellence