Voice- Out program

This is an Advocacy and Lobby Program that is designed to advocate for policies and practices that promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development at the local, national, and international levels. The program aims to influence decision-makers and policymakers to adopt policies and practices that are aligned with the center’s vision and mission. This programme has the following components include;- a) Research and analysis, b) Lobbying and advocacy, c) Coalition building, and d) Media engagement.

This program aims to achieve the following outcomes: i.) Adoption of policies and practices that promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development at the local, national, and international levels. ii.) Increased engagement and participation of decision-makers and policymakers in activities that promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. iii.) Increased collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders to promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. iv.) Improved public awareness and understanding of issues related to integrity, social justice, and sustainable development.