IntegrityLink_Tuwajibike!- Report corruption incident Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Corruption Incident Details Date / Time of the Incident *DateTimeLocation of the Incident *Type of corruption incident *Bribery (institutional or Personal)FraudMoney Laundering (placement stage, layering stage, or integration stage)EmbezzlementLarceny and TheftCronyism i.e not meritocracyConflict of InterestExtortionPatronageCollusionFavoritism and NepotismClientelismInsider TradingInfluence PeddlingRent-SeekingDescription of the Incident *Photos/Videos/documents of the Incident * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files. Please attach any evidence of the incident. We assure utmost confidentiality.Parties Involved Names of individual or entity Involved in the Incident *Do you have any contacts or physical address of the individual or entity involved? *YesNoProvide the contacts or physical address.Were any actions taken during the incident? Or have you tried to resolve or report this matter in any other way? *YesNoDescription of Action Taken or Ways on Resolving or Reporting this Matter individual Taken Provide Are there any other people who may be aware of this matter and may be able to assist in investigating the incident and building a case? *YesNoProvide their names and contact detailsReporting Information Names of Witnesses to the IncidentName of Person Reporting the Incident *FirstLastPhone Number of Person Reporting the Incident *Email of Person Reporting the IncidentSubmit