Education and Awareness Creation Program

The Education and Awareness Program is designed to promote education and awareness about the importance of integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. The program aims to build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills among individuals and communities to enable them to become active agents of change in their communities. It  targets young people, particularly those who are marginalized or underserved, as well as community leaders, educators, and other stakeholders who are interested in promoting integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. This programme components include;- a) training workshops, b)Awareness campaigns, c) Curriculum development, and d) Research and evaluation

This program aims to achieve the following outcomes: i) Increased knowledge and awareness among young people, community leaders, and other stakeholders about issues related to integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. ii.) Increased engagement and participation of young people in activities that promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. iii.) Increased collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders to promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development. iv.) Improved policies and practices that promote integrity, social justice, and sustainable development at the community level.

Pathways To Integrity

Missed our captivating #PathwaysToIntegrity Episode 1 session on “Integrity Through Faith” ? No worries, we’ve got you covered!  Click the link here to catch up and listen to our esteemed panelists as they dive deep into it. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion!  We had an incredible line up of speakers Pst. David Nzambu, Faraji M Kiminyala, and Norah Mutanu wa. 🙌🏼. Read their profiles here

Educator Outreach Symposium

We are pleased to share the link to the Educator Outreach Symposium on Anti-Corruption and Civic Engagement from an African perspective. Our founder Damaris Aswa had the honor of being among the esteemed list of speakers at this event. Click on the link to access and listen to this remarkable event.

Rethinking Global Democracy and Transition

Expertly organized by Democracy Moves, the session’s thought-provoking ideas resonated deeply with the mission of Youth4 Integrity Building organization, fueling our passion to #empoweryoungleaders and #amplify their #voices in shaping the future. Let us forge an #unbreakablealliance, united in our pursuit of a world where every young person is an agent of positive change, where #civicparticipation thrives, and where #integrityreigns supreme in decision-making. through generations.